Tuesday, April 05, 2005


One of biggest problems is that I out right don't trust people. And I'm not talking about trusting people to catch me when I fall backwards...or forwards. It is simply that I don't trust people in day to day senarios.

For example, I was talking to a friend the other day, about I forget what, and happened to say "I read somewhere that..." And I just find myself thinking, "You? Read? Who are you trying to fool...", and then spend the rest of the time they talk trying to figure out what I think this person would have been reading. Of course, I'm not listening to them talk anymore, so when they finish I have to look around at whoever else was listening to see what kind of reaction I should have. Of course, I don't even trust the reactions of others and end up laughing about my friend's dog dying. And all of a sudden, I'm the one who no one trusts.

1 comment:

A.Venegas said...

I hate you...